Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Wonder that is SANSKRIT

Wonder that is Sanskrit is a book written on Sanskrit language by Sampadananda MishraSampad and Vijay. It is published by Sri Aurobindo Society.

This books is a simple to read and easy to understand genre. It focuses completely on the charm, beauty and nuances of the world's greatest language SANSKRIT. It begins with author's note on how he began writing this one and proceeds with the pronunciation of the Sanskrit letters. It also gives the significance of their genesis.He briefly introduced the Sanskrit grammar.

The proceeding chapter highlights the interesting and amazing nuances of the language through various  examples like Varnacitras, Sthanacitras, Svaracitras, Gaticitras, Citrabandhas etc...Next chapter, has various extracts relating to science and arts, through Sanskrit language. It proceeds on to the Sanskrit poetry, with brief introductions to poetry of various renowned poets and the magic they created in the Sanskrit poetry. Following chapters show how Sanskrit is the language for upliftment and also spirituality. 
Final chapters emphasize and support an issue of Treating Sanskrit as a national language and its necessity in unifying the country.

Overall, the books is an interesting and well presented. Interesting facts of Sanskrit language is enjoyable and the importance of Sanskrit language is emphasized throughout the book. After reading the book, interesting in learning Sanskrit will be definitely triggered. One should appreciate the efforts of author in briefly accumulating the various facets of Vast language in a single book, in a simple and enjoyable manner.

I will end this post with an extract from the book:

यायायायायायायायायायायायायायायाया । 
यायायायायायायायायायायायायायायाया ।।

This has to be arranged in the manner below

यायाया , आया , आयाय , अयाय, अयाय, अयाय, अयाय, अयाया , यायाय , आयायाय , आयाया , या, या, या, या, या, या, या, या।

The meaning is:

The sandals which adorn the Lord, which help in attainment of all that is good and auspicious, which give knowledge, which cause the desire (of having the Lord as one's own), which remove all that is hostile, which have attained the Lord, which are used for going and coming from one place to another, by which all places of the world can be reached, these sandals are for Lord Vishnu.